3-F-22, Opera Road, Indra Vihar, Talwandi, Kota,324005

Laser Dentistry Service

Dentists have been using laser dentistry to contour the gums in cases such as for patients who suffer from gummy smile . Lasers allow for less bleeding and discomfort following the procedure, making them ideal for patients who suffer from dental anxiety or have concerns about healing time.Laser dentistry is a fast and effective method that uses heat and light to perform a wide variety of dental procedures. Most importantly, laser dentistry is virtually pain-free! A laser dental treatment works by honing an intense beam of light energy to perform precise dental procedures.

Laser is the best for dentistry

  • It is the laser of choice for treatment of dental hard tissues. Erbium lasers provide minimum heat side effects and can also be used for soft tissue ablation, in fact soft tissue also contains a high percentage of water.